Monday, September 8, 2008

//////////Exercise 2: Sections 1:200 + 1:20

Sorry about the images Peter - they seem to automatically rotate themselves 90 degrees when I upload them, and I can't figure out how to fix this problem.

Monday, June 16, 2008

///////// Ideas+Concept Summary_

_ The gallery houses contemporary art, with a focus on urban/Street art (graffiti)
+ King St has prominant street art, done by the local community, including aboriginal youth.
+ Gallery can then commission local artists to create pieces for the gallery which suit the context.
+ In terms of light, the gallery wont be limited as graffiti and pieces similar can take more sunlight than other traditional works.

_ Flexible in terms of material/lighting/room size as to allow for different uses - concerts/functions etc as well as housing art - Another way of financing the gallery.

_ Also because of flexible lighting and room size, aesthetically doesn't fit to one particular artistic genre - so a wider variety of art can be shown if wanted.

_ The workshop is based outside for practical reasons, this 'workshop' can also double as a community area where local youths can practice legalised graffiti (as it is becoming a more popular and valid form of art, the need for areas where legal graffiti can be practices it an important issue.) The workshop/entrance also brings people in from the back streets to the gallery - resulting in the gallery having two focus points of entry, from the back and front.

_ Living space is detatched from the gallery for three reasons:
+ Defines the entry point at the back of the gallery/i.e. workshop
+ Allows a certain level of privacy/detatchment from the gallery itself - the entrance to the apartment is on a completely different street.
+ If the gallery owner decidedes to start a family, they can sell off the apartment space without sacrificing the gallery.

///////// Drawings_